Newcastle East Public School

Australia's oldest school - since 1816

Telephone02 4929 2911


Canteen News!

Canteen days are Wednesday, Thursday and Friday each week. 

Our ordering is all done online via the flexischools app. Using this app you can put in single-day orders or rolling orders (each Friday for example). These orders are printed each morning and prepared for the students to collect at break times during the day. 

Parent Ordering link -

Our new menu is also attached and we are requesting that parents print this out and have it in a safe place at home for easy reference. The menu has been revamped and has a mix of everyday foods and a small selection of sometimes food. Our canteen menu has been checked and has received the “Great Choice” tick of approval from Healthy Kids. More information about these standards can be found at

One food, which always raises concerns with parents is Juice Bombs. They have a 5-star health care rating, they contain unsweetened 100% fruit juice and carbonated water. They would not be on our canteen menu if they didn’t meet the star ratings. More information can be found at

Each class will have lunch monitors who will collect the lunch order basket from the canteen and deliver it back to their rooms. Class teachers will then hand out any lunch orders to their students. Students will have an opportunity to purchase additional food after eating time and at recess if needed. 

Canteen Menu


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